About the Business
Telesat Communications Ltd. was established in 1989 and provides communication and security solutions for business and residential customers throughout Lincolnshire and the surrounding counties. We are are now turning our attention to focus on becoming the most efficient installation provider of solar panels in the Lincolnshire area. Energy prices look almost certainly set to soar again given the current world situation, so it really is time to look at ways of reducing our electricity and heating costs.
Microgeneration technology - solar panels, heat pumps and suchlike - has come a long way thanks to greater demand and improved efficiency. But the real turning point for the industry was the feed-in-tariff (FIT) introduced in 2010. This guarantees that people who invested in renewable electricity technologies - usually photovoltaic (PV) panels - will receive index-linked payments for 25 years. The payments are made by your electricity supplier and are regulated by Ofgen.
Location & Hours

84 Sleaford Road