About the Business
Est in 2005, our Electricians are based in Norwich and cover the whole of East Anglia. We are both a Domestic Electrician and Commercial Electrician, working to the high standards of the NIC-EIC and all our electrical installations conform with B.S 7671 and part 'p' of building regulations. We cover all aspects of both domestic and commercial electrical installations, electrical improvements and electrical repairs. Our comprehensive service includes electrical fault finding, electrical inspection, electrical testing and electrical certification.
Adrian Ager, proprietor and qualified supervisor of Ager Electrical, ensures a reliable, efficient service, staying on budget whilst never compromising on quality. Customer satisfaction is paramount. Contractors registered by NIC EIC are assessed on a regular basis to ensure that they are competent and capable of meeting the relevant technical and safety standards, codes of practice and rules of the schemes they are registered to.
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